What Are the Best Pets for Condo Living?

The choice to live in a condo does not mean that you must exclude pets from your lifestyle. An animal can bring much comfort, amusement, and energy to your space. Many pet owners regard their furred, feathered, or scaled friends as members of the family. Before you select a cat, dog, or another type of…
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Beautifying Your Balcony: Tips for Landscape Design

Living in a condo is a unique experience compared to residing in a house. You do not have the responsibility of exterior maintenance, as you would if you owned a house. However, this does not mean you cannot beautify the outdoor space that you do have. In fact, your balcony may serve as a welcome…
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Where to Buy High-End Luxury Furniture in Toronto

High on design and architecture standards, Toronto has a sizeable population of connoisseurs who greatly value art for the sheer joy and beauty it adds to their lives. This artistic expression most definitely extends to furniture and home décor, with the city being home to some of the finest high-end luxury furniture stores. Whether it…
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Are Foreign Investors Unenthusiastic About Montreal and Calgary?

Post the 15 percent foreign tax levy by the government, first in Vancouver and then in Toronto, many realtors felt it was the right time to shore up investor interest in other Canadian cities like Calgary and Montreal. Foreign investment may be frowned upon in Toronto and Vancouver, but the sentiment is the opposite in…
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